Monday 8 March 2010


I like Alan Bennett and I live in Leeds. I walk along the roads and through the ginnels he did. Sometimes I am moved to stop and stare at the colours a sunset can give. So is Alan, maybe it's a Leeds thing. I walk past a church or a school and think of Alan and how he did the same.

Here's some markers on a map, zoom in and out and explore Bennett's Leeds and West Yorkshire and beyond. On Thursday I am going to explore the Armley area with Kim who is married to one of my ex's. Pictures will follow. It's a sadness that Tony Spink can't be with us, and it's an irony that the Butcher of Bicester is in Armley prison - right where we will be heading - otherwise the day would be sweet.

I have never really cycled in Armley, only along the canal. Looking forward!
